Saturday, December 28, 2019

Marxism In Arthur Millers Death Of A Salesman - 1465 Words

Throughout Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Willy Lowman sought to attain the American Dream, but his distorted view of Marxist control ultimately provoked his physical, material, and mental destruction. Lowman, a middle-class salesman, husband, and father of two shared the ideology of many American’s, an ideology that hard work, dedication, and likeability was attainable regardless of social class, or life circumstances. Yet, the multiple distortions Willy associated with this dream combined with regressed emotions eventually led to his demise. It is easy for one to assume that mental illness is simply a disease, but the debate surrounding its correlation to social status and the unattainability of goals has never been so vividly†¦show more content†¦The false consciousness of the American Dream exacerbated his Marxist distortions, leaving Willy non-compos mentis and posing the question; Is Marxism real, and if so, does a socioeconomic class struggle give rise to multiple psychopathys within lower class individuals? The validity of Marxism varies across the classes; based on upbringing, social class and ethnicity opinions vary. Studies have been conducted in an attempt to examine the scheme of Marxism and its correlation to mental disorders and low socioeconomic class rank. The results are interesting, proving both Marxs and Millers critics erroneous. A cross-sectional study conducted through the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia revealed that lower social class rank is inversely related to mental health disorders (Faris Dunham, 1939; Hollingshead Redlich, 1958; OCampo, Salmon Burke, 2009). Another community study also found links between social class and mental illness siting, Examination of each type of psychotic disorder shows a true linkage between class position and the rate of treated cases in the population, but the relationship is indirect: The lower the class, the higher the rate (Hollingshead Redlich, 1757). Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and Antis ocial Personality Disorder were common psychiatric disorders found to correlate to middle or lower-class individuals such as Willy LowmanShow MoreRelatedEssay about Marxism and the Fall of Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman2986 Words   |  12 PagesUnited States endured internal battles in political ideologies between capitalists and Marxists, which is the focus of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. According to Helge Normann Nilsen, author of â€Å"From Honors At Dawn to Death of a Salesman: Marxism and the Early Plays of Arthur Miller,† the Great Depression had a profound impact in forming the political identity of Arthur Miller: â€Å"The Great Depression created in him a lasting and traumatic impression of the devastating power of economicRead MoreDeath Of Salesman By F. Scott Fitzgerald1515 Words   |  7 Pagesbeing looking only at the past or present—instead of looking forward to the future. John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said, â€Å"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.† In the play Death of Salesman by Arthur Miller, the protagonist Willy Loman is depicted as a man who has failed in life; he spent most of his life reminiscing the past. This affected his life greatly, especially his relationship with his son, Biff Loman. Nevertheless, in the novelRead MoreThe Changing Relationship Between Individual and Society in Modern Drama3272 Words   |  14 Pagesnonentity without rights outside the role of motherhood or marriage; In the 1930s and 40s, German-born writer Bertolt Brecht, produced a series of plays following ideologies common of Nihilist and later Marxist values; Following the second world war, Arthur Miller wrote to American audiences that individuals and their society are equally damning forces on one another. By following Ibsen, Brecht and Miller, three authors from three different countries, backgrounds and time frames, it is possible to witness

Friday, December 20, 2019

Rhetoric In Animal Farm. 13/4/17 †Daniel Griggs. Rhetoric

Rhetoric In Animal Farm 13/4/17 – Daniel Griggs Rhetoric is a persuasive tool, consisting of logos which is logic and reasoning, pathos which is emotional language and ethos which is character and fundamental values. Rhetoric is a fundamental thing used by pigs and importantly Squealer, whom persuade other animals to follow the pig’s decisions and needs. Orwell uses the theme of education and literacy as a way of emphasising the importance of language and rhetoric as an instrument of social control. In Animal Farm, reading, writing and rhetoric is used as a means of social control by the pigs. The pigs on Animal Farm have the ability to read and write which allows them to persuade animals with their rhetoric for social control as well as†¦show more content†¦Therefore, rhetoric and language are an important means of social control. A key character who explores the themes of rhetoric and social control, is the pig Squealer, the animals are easily tricked particularly by Squealer who has an understanding of rhetoric and is able to control other animals by abusing language and radicalising simple mantras bleated by sheep, â€Å"Four legs good, two legs bad†. This causes Animals with opposing views to be silenced out and the mass of uneducated animals follow along as big words are complicated to understand but small words and simplistic slogans are easy to follow regardless of their logic. â€Å"Frightened though they were, some of the animals might possibly have protested, but at this moment the sheep set up their usual bleating of Four legs good, two legs bad, which went on for several minutes and put an end to the discussion.† (7.36) Some animals could have stated their opposing opinions, yet would be quickly disregarded by the mass of sheep, simply repeating their mantra. In this sense, Orwell criticises Stalinist Russia too and draws parallels. Some protests that supported Stalin, would consist of supporters repeating their mantras and insult or libel people who hold different opinions, even though that opinion could be reasonable and truthful. Squealer is the ultimate propaganda machine, his use of warped logic is extremely effective. â€Å"No one believes more firmly than ComradeShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 Pagescall 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945). DeCenzo, David A, Robbins, Stephen P. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management—10th ed. ISBN-13 978-0470-16968-1 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Brief Contents PA RT 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 UNDERSTANDING HRM The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Historic Log Structures Ecological Archives-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Historic Log Structures Ecological Archives? Answer: Introducation The main purpose of reading this article is to know the plight through which all the individuals had too through during the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel in has named this speech as indifference. The very word itself gives a very negative feeling. Rather no feeling at all. The very term indifference by definition means no difference that is, a kind of blurring the line between crime and punishment, dusk and dawn, light and darkness (Baron 2016). Perhaps, through this title, the author wanted to state the inhuman activities that are usually carried on during the Holocaust. Throughout the entire speech, the readers can see a large number of questions that have been asked by the author himself. This indeed is a very approach of writing. The author is trying to narrate the hardships that he has passed through, during his entire childhood. It is through his voice, that he is trying to narrate the painful experience of so many innocent children who are disrupted of their innocent childhood and se parated from their parents. He has raised every harsh picture associated with the World Wars. However, he has not given any conclusions to these but has left these questions unanswered. It is perhaps because, he wanted the readers to analyze, understand and then reach to suitable conclusions regarding the impacts of warfare and the unjust activities of the war makers and the politicians. The author is someone who has himself seen the monstrous Nazi rule and the hell through which the Jews had to pass in the concentration camps. However, he also does not directly question God (de Graauw 2017). He is neither showing that he is angry. He is just showing g indifference because that is what people have been getting throughout the ages despite being tortured. The author says that indifference is perhaps the ultimate end. It does not create anything new. It also seems that God has turned indifferent. This is because God does not seem to be helping people in these tough situations, but then again, it is better to have an unjust God than to have an in a different one. However, Elie does not impose his own judgments on the readers rather he questions them and questions humanity. At the end, he once again goes back to the same place, where he started from. Thus, concluding with the fact that they are still hoping for hope and marching forward with both fear and hope. Reference List Baron, Lawrence. "Incorporating Film into a Study of the Holocaust."Essentials of Holocaust Education. Fundamental Issues and Approaches (2016): 169-188. de Graauw, Kristen K. "Historic log structures as ecological archives: A case study from eastern North America."Dendrochronologia45 (2017): 23-34.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

College Majors free essay sample

Deciding a major in college is not always easy. However, it is always important to choose carefully because whichever major a new college student chooses will determine the career they will have for the rest of their life. College majors should be chosen carefully, and there are a lot of factors that help people decide what to go for. Interests play a great role in choosing a major. It is usually easier to choose depending on the person’s preference or personal taste. Job availability also influences the decision a lot. There are a great deal of college graduates that are unable to find a job after they graduate. The students’ skills also play an important role in how successful a student can be. Different skills go with different majors. Interests, job availability, and skills are all factors that should influence students in deciding a major. The first factor in choosing a major is the person’s interests. We will write a custom essay sample on College Majors or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most students when choosing a college major, base their decision on their personal interests because it is what goes with them. For example, a student could think they want to be an accountant, but cannot wait for their college algebra class to be over with so they can head straight to their art class next. It is very hard to work at job someone does not like, so it is best to find something that goes with the student’s interests. Most likely they will not enjoy their major because it does not go under their interests. It does not make sense for somebody to start working in something they do not like after they graduate. Interests help many students make their choice a lot easier because it helps them find a career that they will actually enjoy after college. The next factor is job availability. The growth rate of many jobs is slowly declining each year. They are many students that become unemployed after college, even if they have a degree. Competition also affects job availability. Sometimes competition in certain careers is so high that college graduates are unable to find a job in that area. Only a small percentage are able to find jobs. Most students, when choosing a major, do not pay attention to this and once they graduate, they are unable to find a job. Technology is getting more and more advanced each year, so many  different jobs aren’t needed as much as they were before. Therefore, it is important to find a job that has a high growth rate. Job availability plays a big role in choosing a major because it determines whether or not the student will be able to find a job after graduation. The person’s skills are the last factor. It is easier to find a major that involves something the person is good at. It is important to be good in the career chosen because if the person is not skilled in the job, most likely they will not find a job. Also it is important because, because the person will most likely enjoy their career more if they are skilled in it. It would not be a good choice to go for a degree in mathematics when the person is skilled in art. Skills play a very important role when deciding what major will be chosen in college. In conclusion, even though college majors are very hard to choose and can be stressful, there are many factors to choose from that could positively influence the decision. Selecting a college major is very important and should not be chosen without taking each of these things into consideration first. People’s different personal interests, skills, and job availability are only some of what incoming freshman should think about, but of the many influencing factors, these are the most important. They all could have a great influence on how successful a student is in both his college career and his professional life thereafter.